Raw Fitness

Saturday, July 15, 2006

So... I just wasted an hour...

looking for blog templates... because I have nothing else to do... riiiiight. I didn't find anything I liked so I guess I will keep this boring one.

The past couple days have been rough. Friday I was about in tears all day with the most horrific back pain I have had in a very very very long time (I have a major spinal fusion). I don't have any Vicodin on hand... but of course OTC and RX meds are not really part of the detox plan. And they are not healthy... think Vioxx (kills people) and then my dad was killed by his unnecessary cholesterol medicine Lescol. I am very anti-medicine now. If your body hurts or whatever, you need to figure out why. Not treat the symptoms... treat the CAUSE! Most ailments can be cured through proper diet and dietary restrictions and exercise. But most people won't do the work. Most cholesterol medicine is unneccessary and overused. Cholesterol is not what kills people. It is produced naturally by the body... it is inflammation that kills people. The majority of people on cholesterol meds and insulin (Type 2) could get off of them via a severe reduction in carbs and a lot of exercise... but of course that takes work and it is easier to pop a pill. Now there are the random cases where medication may be necessary, but they are few and far between. Doctors are drug dealers and are paid to overprescribe drugs. Ooops... random ranting tangent I went off on. Anyway... I think the pain may have been a detox symptom (which would mean the cause is the detox, which is a good thing... I just need to get through it. Taking Vicodin just masks the symptoms and fries out my liver and kidneys). So I suffered. The Extra Strength muscle rub stuff didn't even touch it, when normally it helps a lot. Thankfully I did not have a ton of clients that day.

My skin is out of control... disgustingly gross breakouts. All over- chest, back, face, shoulders... but again this means the detox is working. The worse the symptoms, the more toxic I was.

I have added in nuts (raw almonds mostly... a few soynuts... need to buy walnuts... bought raw organic pumpkin seeds from Trader Joes- GROSS!) to the mix for protein, which in the past have caused me to gain weight. Not sure why- other than they are high in calories and fat- the good fat.

I cheated a bit this weekend (last night... Mike made ice cream pie which he was really proud of... so I tried it. Damn it was sweet... and it made me feel sick... I mean it tasted good, but then after I felt sick. Oh and we tried some Sprouts brand nacho chips- bad idea... soooooooooo salty). Both made me feel horrible. Tonight we went out to dinner at a new sports bar place in Gilbert. I didn't really want to go... would rather stayed home and had a cantaloupe for dinner, but Mike insisted. It sucked. My salad was gross, hard iceberg lettuce with a few sour cucumbers on it. His burger was gross. We are not going back there... We are picky restaurant people and usually frequent 1-2 favorite places and thats it. We have really cut back on that though. We either get bad food or bad service- even at the places where we are known as 'regulars.'

Oh and I have not worked out since Wednesday. I am trying to give my body a rest... I don't want to stress it too much while detoxing. I am still going to workout, just not for 2 hours a day like usual. But my back was hurting on Thursday so I laid off, then Friday I wanted to die so I didn't go to the gym. Today I trained from 7am-noon, then worked on the new business from 1pm-5pm. I am going tomorrow though.

Tomorrow I am also going back to strict fruit only. I was doing fantastic with that and want to continue the experiment. I mostly eat cantaloupe and berries. Like a whole cantaloupe at a time, which only has 193 calories. I find that amazing. It is a LOT of food. I LOVE it though. LOVE IT! I actually eat about 3 cantaloupes per day and lots of strawberries and blueberries... a few grapes and an occasional apple or 2.

Also I have eliminated all cleaning chemicals and products. All of my household cleaners (spray cleaners, dish soap, dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, floor mopping soap, glass cleaner, etc) are tea tree oil based products and could basically be drank/drunk? (whatever) by humans/animals and not be harmed/killed. I have even switched to a natural deodorant. I need to switch toothpaste as well. Fluoride is not good for you (which is why I am drinking mostly distilled water). I use all natural (tea tree based) hand and body soap as well as shaving cream. Up to 60% of the stuff you put on your skin (read a lotion bottle once- what is all that crap you can't pronounce??) is absorbed into your system. I switched out all of the chemicals about 6 months ago.

I am going to eventually go organic on all of my food, but I figure one abrupt change at a time. I use organic when I can.

Ok... Saturday night at 8:50pm and I have work to do! Launching another business to be announced later. Dang- I typed a lot more than I planned on....


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