Raw Fitness

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Join Bootcamp! Have Fun! Get Fit!

Some good old fashioned Dr Phil

#1: You either get it, or you don't. Become one of those who gets it.
#2: You create your own experience. Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life.
#3: People do what works. Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.
#4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. Get real with yourself about your life and everybody in it.
#5: Life rewards action. Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger.
#6: There is no reality; only perception. Identify the filters through which you view the world.
#7: Life is managed; it is not cured. Learn to take charge of your life.
#8: We teach people how to treat us. Own, rather than complain about how people treat you.
#9: There is power in forgiveness. Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you.
#10: You have to name it before you can claim it. Get clear about what you want and take your turn

These are Dr Phils main points from Life Strategies... a great book I read a LONG time ago...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

accelerate your abilities..

oops... will do better on posting here.

by Chris Widener

In today's fast-paced life, the wins usually go to those with exceptional skills and abilities. The old quote is true, "The race is not always won by the swift and the strong, but that is the way to bet."

With this in mind, and with your desire to become increasingly successful, here are some ways to accelerate your abilities, thus enabling you to achieve greater and greater things.

Become dissatisfied with your current state. Growth for growth's sake is good. Those who will achieve much are those who say to themselves, "I want to grow. I want to be better. And I am willing to do what it takes to get there. This current state is not enough!" This dissatisfaction will create for you an insatiable drive to do what it takes to get your abilities to the next level.

Visualize the benefits of increased abilities. Put them at the forefront of your mind. This will saturate your mind with the motivation that it will take for you to do what it takes to increase your abilities. What good will come out of my increased ability? How will I be better off as well as the others around me? The answers to these questions act as the carrot before the horse, moving you forward.

Understand your weaknesses. If you want to improve, one of the best ways is to start with some area that you aren't particularly good at. This is the "shoring up method." Sometimes it is easier to improve something you aren't good at that something you are. And the gains will still look great for your overall situation! Take some time to consider what areas you are weakest in and focus in on them for a while. The results will obviously be much more pronounced than getting better at something you have already somewhat mastered.

Attempt greater levels of what you are already good at. Another tact to take would be to stretch yourself in an area that you already have some skill and ability in. What areas do you excel in? Now understand that when you leave the weaker areas weak and make extraordinary gains in one area, then you will be moving more toward "specialist" rather than "generalist." That is okay, but needs to fit in with your overall goals.

Commit time each day to improvement. Steady improvement is the way to go. In fact, you may not see improvement for days or weeks. You may feel like you are failing each time. But alas, eventually you will get it and your skill will increase to the next level. The key is day in, day out, spending time working on improving. Even five minutes a day equals a half hour a week, 2 hours a month. That adds up! Remember, Practice, practice, practice.

Seek out and spend time with someone who has greater ability than you. One of the best things to do to increase your ability is hang out with people who are already more skilled than you. Watching, them, studying them, interacting with them, even competing with them will make you better. As in sports, to improve, you play with people better than you, not worse. They will raise you to a new level. Who around you can you get involved with who will help you with your ability?

Take a class or hire a coach. Go to school my friend. Take a course at a local college or vocational institute. Take a class online. Hire one of the many coaches available today. Pick a specific skill you would like to improve upon and find someone who is a specialist in that area. At the very least, pick up some audio or videotapes to help you grow.

Be the tortoise, not the hare. Slow but sure. Take your time, do it right. Keep going in the right direction. Learn your craft correctly. Don't give up quality for speed. The whole idea of acceleration is this way: Slow start, work up to high speeds, go the distance. Luckily life isn't a sprint but a marathon!

Hope these ideas help you as you commit to accelerating your abilities!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Women! Lift HEAVY!

I got this article from a trainer’s magazine called “OnFitness”. It's really one of the better trainers' magazines I have found with some real good stuff on nutrition and training as well some really great quotes and inspirational sayings.

I must add that I lift HEAVY 99% of the time (except for legs)... I recently had my metabolic rate (RMR) tested by Isabel Canez, RD (HIGHLY RECOMMEND HER) and mine was a very surprising 35% faster than normal. This is the highest test result she has seen. This can only be answered by the fact that I probably have more muscle than the average female of my age/height/weight. I cannot stress enough that most women should lift heavy.

Women Should Lift—and Heavily
to create curves, tighten up, and lose inches
ByJillian Coleman

So you have a client who has been going to the same fitness center for years. And through the years, she and her buddies there have talked about why their bodies are the exact same shape they were when they all 1st met: “I’ve been coming to the &*^%$ gym like, forever, and I have not lost a &**&^ pound!” And somewhere along the way, the topic of “bulking up” has surfaced: “If I just look at weight, I put on muscle! That’s why I do tons of cardio. But dang, my thighs are still fat!”

These women have never talked about how to change body fat percentage, how to lose inches or how to increase the intensity of that popular barbell class.

So how are you, the new (or inexperienced) trainer, going to deliver results and keep this trainee from spinning her wheels? The trick to losing inches, strengthening bones, increasing metabolic rate and turning your trainee into fat-burning machine is simple: Lift Heavy!

Is there such a thing as “bulking up?”

What about the much feared bulking up? Is there such a thing? Yes, but it’s not from putting on excess muscle mass. You’ve probably heard plenty from your female trainees that one of their biggest concerns is the dread of bulking up, as they insist that their legs or shoulders respond quickly to heavy weights, that they put on size easily with heavy resistance. (I wonder what all those skinny men, who eat and eat and lift and lift and still can’t put on size, would think of these claims!).

The truth is that bulking up does not happen to women unless there is no effort applied to fat burning. The idea is to lift heavy and get out of your comfort zone (i.e. Within 10-12 reps the weight should become too heavy to lift), so that your body responds by breaking down the muscle tissue and building you back up stronger and leaner.

When gym-goers refer to bulking up, what he or she is really describing is the larger appearance that exists when the same amount of fat remains on top of this newly developed muscle.

The best scenario is to burn fat, build muscle, lose inches, and reveal a more sculpted muscle belly and actually overall smaller limbs. However, it is a unique situation because the only way to get the fat off is to lift weights that challenge the muscles to grow and increase the body’s amount of lean body mass. Consider that a pound of muscle burns 30-50 calories at rest each day, where as a pound of fat burns only 2-5 calories per day. This clearly shows that the more lean muscle mass a person has, the more calories burned at rest.

In other words, with each pound of muscle mass acquired, the trainee increases metabolism and burns more calories just sitting at a desk. On top of the calorie comparison is the fact that muscle takes up considerably less space than fat; thus, losing fat while gaining muscle causes an overall loss in inches. The benefit of increased muscle is even greater during a workout. The more lean muscle mass a trainee has, the more calories are toasted off during the workout.

For example, take two 150 lbs. women, same-age women, one with 20% body fat and the other with 40%. The woman with less body fat will burn a lot more calories if the 2 engage in the same workout.

Lifting Heavy Weights is the #1 way to change the shape of the body

Everyone knows that cardio queen at the gym: on the elliptical machine for hours or doing step class after cycle class after kick box class. Chances are this person is thin. But, she probably doesn’t look athletic, toned, or tight. In fact, it’s not uncommon see a woman going at it on the cardio equipment who initially looks strikingly thin. But if you view her for a few moments longer, you’ll notice that her midsection (which is often bare) is soft and has a spread-like or dough-like quality about it; ‘round and ‘round her pipe cleaner legs go, and you can bet she has trouble carrying heavy grocery bags.

This “thin” woman hardly touches the weights. She’s 20-something and her youth protect her from being blubbery. But if she continues to shy away from serious weight lifting, this fear will eventually catch up to her. By age 35, she’ll be taking clothes off the size 12 or 14 rack.The thing that happens when someone does a lot of cardiovascular activity is essentially the same thing that happens when he or she lifts lighter weights; using a lot of reps. They get smaller or larger but always have the same exact frame. In other words, their curves, or lack there of, are the same. Jog all you want, but only heavy resistance training can change the shape of the body to create a loss in inches and a more balanced physique.

How to lose the fat on top of the muscle

In order to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass, it’s important to use exercises that affect the hormonal situation in the body. The amount of weight lifted, or more specifically, the volume of weight lifted, is directly correlated to the amount of testosterone released by the body. And the amount of testosterone released by the body is directly correlated to the amount of fat the body will burn.

Women should not be afraid of testosterone. In fact, even when women are able to create higher levels of testosterone, they will never have enough to create a masculine look without the help of anabolic (“banned substances”) supplementation, not to mention a lot of time in the gym and at the protein shake blender.

The key to changing the hormonal situation to become an efficient fat-burner is to achieve both mechanical and metabolic failure in a workout. Mechanical failure occurs when the weight lifted simply becomes too heavy to be lifted anymore and assistance is needed. Metabolic failure occurs when trainees experience that burning sensation in their muscles.

Efficient weight-lifting should yield one or both of these phenomena, and this is the most important time to squeeze out one or two more reps. Reaching the point of failure ensures the release of testosterone and human growth hormone to maximize fat-burning both during the workout and deep into the hours following.

How to maximize Fat-Burning

An important point to remember is that everyone has a different level of fitness. To ascertain the correct amount of intensity and the correct amount of rest, use the talk test. During working sets, an individual should be out of breath and speech should be labored. Once the set is over, wait 1-2 minutes (but no more!) before beginning the next set or exercise.Make the trainee truly reaches failure, in order to “earn” a 1-2 min rest. The last few reps should be a heartfelt struggle. In fact, in a 6 rep max set, the struggle is evident from the 1st rep. In an 8 rep max set, struggle may not be evident in the 1st or 2nd rep, but come in the 3rd or 4th rep, the trainee clearly begins to fight.

Sometimes, as a trainer, it’s hard to discern the point at which a trainee is lifting heavily enough to get real results. Pulling out a weight that generates failure within 8-12 reps is a good idea here. This part may take some trial and error, but I would always recommend choosing a weight heavier than lighter. Only 4 or 5 reps may be the result of the 1st try, but at least failure is reached and the muscles are being forced to react. For the 2nd set, decrease the weight only slightly, and still try to induce failure by rep 7 or 8. For the final set, keep the weight the same or decrease it only slightly to induce failure at rep 9 or 10, even if “loose” form is necessary.

Both trainers and clients probably agree that safety is the number one priority while resistance training. However, in the name of heavy weight-lifting to generate results, remember that loose form here and there is perfectly fine and in fact, recommended in the last rep or two for the sake of the workout. (Loose form is that which, for the most part, continues to adhere to proper biomechanics, but there’s a slight component of cheating --- but not to the extent that the trainee is risking injury or defeating the purpose).

If someone is skilled or has a good amount of experience weight-lifting, use this technique to generate the burn and get a little deeper into failure mode. However, remember that if someone is extremely frail or a beginner, he or she should ease into resistance training and steer clear of cheat reps or swinging weight until more comfortable with the movements.

Additional Benefits to heavy resistance training

Everyone has heard that resistance training helps to increase bone density or maintain bone health once a person reaches the mid 30’s. What most fitness professionals forget is that the benefits for bone increase almost linearly with the amount of weight lifted.

Most trainers will shy away from using heavier weights with older adults and those with existing injuries. A good trainer will put safety first, but heavy weights can be used safely and effectively I even the frailest populations, and are the absolute best way to stimulate bone growth. Both the fit and frail should be lifting heavy and reaping the benefits.

Additional muscle development increases neural function including balance and coordination, along with core development and even flexibility. Achieving failure safely in a workout will prime the nervous system and provide more functional advantage than using balance boards and other functional devices. After all, a stronger and more flexible leg is automatically more stable.

Some of the best exercises to profit in this way include clean presses, heavy barbell squats, or barbell push-presses. Experiment with hybrid movements that challenge both the upper and lower body together such as a squat and press or a lunge curl and press. These types of exercise provide superior benefit over the current trend of using single-joint movements coupled with a balance board.

As a personal trainer, I have seen first hand the incredible balance and coordination advances, plus improvement in fat-burning, noticeable inches lost and a tighter, shapelier and leaner physique achieved through lifting heavy weights.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Healthy Holidays

Monday, December 18, 2006

Our cheesy Christmas card pic

Join Bootcamp!

Starting in January... 7pm Bootcamp coming soon to Mesa also!

Holiday Diet Tips

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 caloriesin every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy.Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made withs kim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother?It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention.They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice ofeach. Or, if you don't like mince meat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at allcost. I mean, have SOME standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leavethe party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Doing it again...

Well... kinda... sorta... again. Like my earlier fruit cleanse, but I am going to go fully VEGAN for a month. Also no processed chemicals like aspartame in food or drink. Which means no Diet Dr Pepper for me.

Anyway... at the moment I am dying of bronchitis. I never go to the doctor... well I rarely get sick, so other than annual physicals, this was the first time I had to actually go to the doctor in years... I don't agree with taking antibiotics, but I have been so sick that I am doing antibiotics, and inhaler and cough medicine with codine. And I still feel like total ass. I sound horrid. I am snotting all over the place and coughing like a maniac. Its just gross. Totally gross. Had to cancel some training sessions as not to infect everyone around me. I just don't want to end up with pneumonia or something.

Bootcamp started on Saturday and I worked out with the 2 sessions. It was VERY fun... just wish I felt better. I started to get back to working out pretty hardcore, but of course, I get sick 2 minutes later. Last Sunday I ran 6 miles. Monday I did weights (uppper body) hardcore, then biked for 60 minutes in the afternoon... and thats where it all ended. Sick and SOOOO SORE.

I digress... but I am going to blog as much as possible, which I am not too sure how I will get here, but I will do my best.

More details on the vegan thing to come... I have been 90% vegetarian for about 2 months. Now I just need to finish off the cheese I have on hand and forgo any ice cream and I will be vegan. I would like to get out all the chemicals as well, meaning lotions, shampoos, etc which up to 60% absorb into the skin. That will come later. For the immediate plan, I will consume NO animal flesh or products. I am planning on starting pretty immediately, but I will officially start on Nov 1st. I am also going to take before pics and then after pics in either 4 or 8 weeks. I desperately want to lose 10 lbs. I have not worked out regularly since July. Well, by regularly, I mean daily like I always have. My diet has been sloppy due to working about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for months.... and also a miscarriage in August (which I was not going to blog about but whatever). I finally got pregnant the first time I did the fruit cleanse... only to miscarry early on. I gained 5lbs immediately and then another 5 from not working out and stress, etc. I am still not supposed to be working out much due to trying to get pregnant and not having much luck over the past 3 years. But now at least I know I CAN get pregnant. And the miscarriage was a LOT more devastating than I ever would have imagined... especially since I was not very pregnant. Whatever... still trying but trying not to be obsessed about it. I do want to drop a few pounds, but I know that being too lean will cause problems so I am totally stuck in misery. Now I will be teaching 3 boot camp classes per day... which will be my workouts- no more than that. And not sure if that will cause problems, but I am doing it anyway. I feel so horrible not working out. I don't know how people don't workout. It makes me so tired and depressed- not working out.

Anyway... details to come in the next few days.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fitness Challenge Details... Still time to join!

Fitness Challenge

FAT ATTACK BOOT CAMP... enlist now!



Fat Attack BOOT CAMP is a four week outdoor workout program (sessions start each month) that offers group fitness instruction and motivational training – packed with fun, energizing activities designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you want to slim down to fit into that special dress, shed the extra pounds from pregnancy, get fit for that special occasion or just kick your fitness into high gear, this program is for you!


What is BOOT CAMP?
Boot camp is a challenging, fun, outdoor group exercise program at a local park.

Who should enlist?
People of all ages and fitness levels who want to get in great shape FAST! You’ll never be asked to perform more than you're capable of doing, but you will be pushed to give 100% effort.

What if I'm not very physically fit?
This program is specifically designed to accommodate all fitness levels and make every person feel capable and confident while doing all of the BOOT CAMP exercises. Participants will be given modifications, adaptations and alternatives to accommodate everyone's fitness level. The program is very diversified, this allows for change and anticipation towards each and every day, knowing that no day will ever be the same!! Our goal is to let you look forward to your next BOOT CAMP class!

NOBODY will be left behind or asked to complete more than they are capable of doing safely. All exercises will be modified to meet your needs and limitations. More than likely you won’t be the most fit person at camp, nor the most out of shape. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses so each activity will be more challenging for some and easier for others. Don’t worry about others in camp. Just do YOUR best!

What is a typical workout like?

Well, there isn’t a typical workout. No workout is repeated during your four weeks of training. We keep your interest and your curiosity levels high in anticipation of the workouts. Each session will different in order to prevent boredom and to keep your body from adapting to the workouts. When your body adapts (which it does very quickly) your results grind to a halt. The workouts are designed to incorporate full body exercises and body weight resistance to maximize calorie and fat burning.

What types of activities are included in BOOT CAMP?
We do everything from running/walking (less than 1 mile), weight training (upper and lower body), core conditioning, abdominal work, calisthenics, plyometrics, circuit training, stretching and more! Everyday is a little different from the day before and you will get a complete workout every session!

Exercises include: push ups, shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, dips, lunges, squats, crunches, the plank, and more...

What if I can’t perform a certain exercise?
We will give you a modified exercise and low-impact drills as an alternative.

How soon will I see results?
Performance improvement can take place in as little as a couple days. "Visual Improvement" can take several weeks depending on your effort level. It's very possible to go down 1-2 sizes within the first camp. Remember, everyone's body is different so your results will be unique to you! Everyone is expected to progress. If you aren't, then you're not putting in the effort, eating improperly or you're missing camp.

What do I need to bring?

  • An exercise mat
  • A bottle of water
  • Running shoes
  • Workout towel
  • A pair of lightweight dumbbells (5-10 lbs for women and 8-12 lbs for men)
  • Weight-lifting gloves are recommended
  • And a desire to get fit.

What will I get out of participating?

You should make a dramatic improvement in your physical well-being. Camp exercises include programs designed to help you achieve the following:

  • 5 to 10 Pounds of FAT Loss
  • 1 to 3 Inch Decrease in the Midsection
  • 3 to 5% Body Fat Reduction
  • 25% Improvement in Endurance
  • 25% Increase in overall Strength
  • Substantially increase Flexibility and Core Strength
  • Firm, lift and tighten ‘trouble’ spots (butt, thighs, arms, midsection)
  • Supercharge your metabolism
  • Increased Self Confidence
  • Improved Posture
  • Deeper Relaxation & Stress Reduction
  • A Boost in Energy
  • Enjoy a Healthier Life

By losing fat and gaining muscle, you'll lose inches and gain strength -- and you'll look and feel better. In addition, you'll meet great people who share your same goals for acquiring a more healthy mind and body.

Where is BOOT CAMP held?
Chuparosa Park near on Dobson between Germann and Queen Creek in Chandler

When is BOOT CAMP?
You can choose between

  • 5:30am and 6:30am M-F mornings
  • 7pm M-Th evenings
  • 9am on Saturday mornings

What is the investment in myself (cost)?
Monthly packages and punch cards will be available at a cost per session of between $6-11. Compare that to personal training fees of $30-70 per hour and you'll agree- Boot Camp is an absolute bargain. Where else can you get 16-39 hours of top fitness instruction and personal training with such a small investment? Exact details coming soon!


email me for further details in the meantime