Raw Fitness

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Doing it again...

Well... kinda... sorta... again. Like my earlier fruit cleanse, but I am going to go fully VEGAN for a month. Also no processed chemicals like aspartame in food or drink. Which means no Diet Dr Pepper for me.

Anyway... at the moment I am dying of bronchitis. I never go to the doctor... well I rarely get sick, so other than annual physicals, this was the first time I had to actually go to the doctor in years... I don't agree with taking antibiotics, but I have been so sick that I am doing antibiotics, and inhaler and cough medicine with codine. And I still feel like total ass. I sound horrid. I am snotting all over the place and coughing like a maniac. Its just gross. Totally gross. Had to cancel some training sessions as not to infect everyone around me. I just don't want to end up with pneumonia or something.

Bootcamp started on Saturday and I worked out with the 2 sessions. It was VERY fun... just wish I felt better. I started to get back to working out pretty hardcore, but of course, I get sick 2 minutes later. Last Sunday I ran 6 miles. Monday I did weights (uppper body) hardcore, then biked for 60 minutes in the afternoon... and thats where it all ended. Sick and SOOOO SORE.

I digress... but I am going to blog as much as possible, which I am not too sure how I will get here, but I will do my best.

More details on the vegan thing to come... I have been 90% vegetarian for about 2 months. Now I just need to finish off the cheese I have on hand and forgo any ice cream and I will be vegan. I would like to get out all the chemicals as well, meaning lotions, shampoos, etc which up to 60% absorb into the skin. That will come later. For the immediate plan, I will consume NO animal flesh or products. I am planning on starting pretty immediately, but I will officially start on Nov 1st. I am also going to take before pics and then after pics in either 4 or 8 weeks. I desperately want to lose 10 lbs. I have not worked out regularly since July. Well, by regularly, I mean daily like I always have. My diet has been sloppy due to working about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for months.... and also a miscarriage in August (which I was not going to blog about but whatever). I finally got pregnant the first time I did the fruit cleanse... only to miscarry early on. I gained 5lbs immediately and then another 5 from not working out and stress, etc. I am still not supposed to be working out much due to trying to get pregnant and not having much luck over the past 3 years. But now at least I know I CAN get pregnant. And the miscarriage was a LOT more devastating than I ever would have imagined... especially since I was not very pregnant. Whatever... still trying but trying not to be obsessed about it. I do want to drop a few pounds, but I know that being too lean will cause problems so I am totally stuck in misery. Now I will be teaching 3 boot camp classes per day... which will be my workouts- no more than that. And not sure if that will cause problems, but I am doing it anyway. I feel so horrible not working out. I don't know how people don't workout. It makes me so tired and depressed- not working out.

Anyway... details to come in the next few days.


At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you! I haven't been on in forever, then forgot my password so new blog it is for me! Glad to see you are still here!!!!


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