Raw Fitness

Monday, July 24, 2006

Still alive...

Been keeping pretty much to fruit still on the diet front... with a few bites of processed stuff here and there. But still nothing other than distilled or bottled water- no soda or crystal light (this is a massive feat on my part- don't think I have done this since before college?). 90% of my diet is fruit. Mike has been making bad stuff lately... so I have had an occasional piece of whatever he is eating. Had one slice of homemade pizza, a bit of ice cream, a few chips and that is pretty much the extent of the crap I have eaten in the past week. Everything else is fruit or veggies. My skin got a lot better and now a lot worse again. I have not felt the best lately, but not sure if it is the heat or what. Had a few bouts of nausea, but I have been out in the heat a lot lately- including car shopping in 117 degree heat (who does that?? only an insane person would do this... it was horrible) and planting shrubs and plants (who does this in the middle of summer?). Not much else to report except that I have been super busy, even though many of my clients are on vacation.

I am going to a naturopath today. Just to check in and discuss a few things. But I am also going to ask her opinion of the diet approach. We'll see what she says. Might think it is a little extreme. I dug out my most recent bloodwork results to bring to her. I will post it later... because it makes a definite point that eating very high protein, even Atkins-ish sometimes does not kill you, raise your cholesterol or whatever. My cholesterol and triglycerides are stellar. I was eating mainly protein and fat for the several months prior to the tests...

More on the naturopath later...


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